To help offset our carbon footprint, we have partnered with One Tree Planted to plant trees for each sale of computer hardware at no additional cost to our clients

let’s make something together

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PO Box 16122 Collins Street West
Victoria 8007 Australia

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Phone: + (066) 0760 0260
+ (057) 0760 0560

Covid-19 Update – 3/17/2020  

  • By SouthridgeTech

At Southridge, we know that your ability to keep your doors (be they brick and mortar or virtual) open safely and responsibly is foremost on your mind. Rest assured, Southridge is ready to support you. 

Given the recent Tri-State decision to shut down all non-essential businesses for the next two weeks, we thought this would be a good time to update our clients on our current Southridge position. We are performing,  and will continue to perform, without interruption, all normal support activities such as server maintenance, back-up verification, routine monitoring and other normal and routine remote services. We will continue to monitor your systems and protect your data. 

In addition, our management team has worked to develop a comprehensive plan for our firm that protects the safety and health of our employees and their families, ensures we continue to service our clients, and allows Southridge Technology to continue to be responsible to our community.  Our team meets remotely several times a day to monitor, assess and respond to COVID19 developments in real time and make adjustments to our plans with agility.

Having the benefit now of a week of decisions by our national, state and local governments coupled with communications from our clients, we have adopted the following position to support our clients. Our staff is poised and ready to serve you: 

  • We have ramped up our ability to support our clients remotely. That is always our first choice whenever possible.
  • As of today, Southridge is still available to provide on-site support when necessary. We will make every attempt to only go on-site when the client office is closed or has limited staff present. This is with consideration to both our staff and yours. 
  • Our technical staff has undergone COVID-19 training with a certified medical professional, and is now equipped with gloves and sanitizing wipes.
  • We are following (and in some cases exceeding) guidelines for social distancing. We have staggered our shifts and set up remote and virtual environments where many of our staff work from home. Those who are in offices are doing so on a staggered schedule in limited numbers and are utilizing social distancing practices as per CDC recommendations.
  • All staff members have been advised of the latest hygiene procedures and are practicing them to the fullest.
  • We are disinfecting our offices nightly, and providing gloves, disinfecting wipes, and hand sanitizer to our staff. 
  • Southridge Technology will continue to monitor and abide by all regulations set forth by the CDC and other authorities for the greater good. 

It is our goal to provide maximum service and support to all of our clients to the extent that they require them during this widespread shut down. Equally important to us is the safety and health or our Southridge staff, our clients and their staff and the welfare of the general public. We thank you for your patience and understanding during these uncertain and trying times. Despite social distancing, we are in your corner, and we plan to stay there. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us with any questions or needs. We are happy to support you. We are, after all, all in this together. 

Southridge Technoloogy

246 Federal Road

Brookfield, CT 06804


[email protected]
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