Real Estate Offices’ Network Management

Southridge Technology understands the unique needs of Real Estate. Each agent has their own home base, mobile technology, and in some cases, workspace. By providing cloud storage, remote connectivity, and central server maintenance, Southridge ensures that every agent has access to the files they need, no matter where they are.

In addition, Southridge provides MLS setup and support, email hosting, and even training, so every agent has the support they need.

Southridge Technology provides
  • Remote access
  • MLS setup and support
  • Email hosting
  • Virus and Malware protection
  • Mobile device setup and training
  • Remote desktop software installation and support

We can manage the technology of your entire office, allowing administrative staff and real estate agents to focus on scheduling and providing the best possible home sale.

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Is your existing technology working for you?
Let us help you find out.