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What makes up the “New Standard” for Business Email?

  • By SouthridgeTech

The ecosystem around email has changed significantly and dramatically in just the last couple of years. Huge new business risks have come to the forefront.  (if you don’t know what those risks are, read our first post of this series

Today, there’s a “New Standard” for business email—one that requires servers to protect your business against everything from phishing attacks to legal challenges to the risks of an unpredictable climate.  To mitigate these risks, your business must embrace these three key changes to your email infrastructure:

 1. It should be hosted by experts in the cloud.

For all the reasons listed above, more and more businesses are migrating their email from in-house email servers to the cloud. Your email needs to be managed by experts—including engineering specialists who can manage the complexities of cross data-center replication and backup; infrastructure experts who can ensure virtually no downtime; and trusted advisors who can help assist with keeping day-to-day operations running smoothly.

2. It should be archived in a compliant, tamper-proof repository.

Compliant email archiving isn’t just for regulated businesses. When your email is properly archived, your data is stored securely with no ability to delete or modify the messages or attachments. Additionally, archived emails are indexed so they are easily retrievable and can be presented during eDiscovery, provided as part of an audit trail, or just restored to an active mailbox. With email archiving, your intellectual property is protected and, if necessary, stored in a form that a court of law will recognize.

3. It should be protected by advanced email security.

The built-in protections of the standard email server are no longer enough. You have to protect your users and your business with a number of advanced security technologies, including real-time link scanning (in case a user clicks on a malicious link in a phishing email), inbound and outbound message filtering, and much more.

Learn more about how each of these services help you protect your business” <Click Here>

Contact us to learn how the “New Standard” helps you reduce email vulnerabilities at 203-431-8324